What's the band been up to?
“Been finalising designs for the CD, but now that's finished just focusing on getting the live show together.”
Are you excited about the upcoming launch?
“Yes very excited about the upcoming launch, playing with 3 other fine acts and there's a couple of surprises being thrown in, so looking forward to it.”
Is it hard to believe the amount of work that goes in to something like this?
“No not really, although this is our debut EP, we've done this sort of thing for many years now and understand the hard work needed to make something that you really enjoy and are proud of.”
What are punters in for on the night?
“On the night there will be a couple of surprises that should increase the enjoyment of the show! Plus we can guarantee that we'll be rocking our arses off up there so the crowd can work off the huge amount of energy coming from the stage!”
Has the band been writing any new material since the EP launch?
“We're always writing new material, a lot gets chucked out, but there have been a couple of good ones lately that we might even try sneak into the set.”
Is the concept of releasing an album on CD dead as we know it?
“Releasing an album on CD is far from dead I think. Punters enjoy something that is physical as well as aural. I know I do at least.”
How would describe the music Riot Runners play?
“Grungy but riff orientated, progressive but not complicated, full of head banging breakdowns and catchy chorus's. Think 90's.”
Has your style changed much since starting out?
“Yes our style has changed, but we hope for the better. It was quite all over the place at the start and didn't have a particular direction we were heading in. We feel like we're just grasping our sound now and in the past half a year or so. When we first started out we were deciding whether to go with the "in" thing and go indie or 80's pop kinda thing, or go heavy and we figured 90's will be in after this 80's stuff is over with.”
How did the band get together?
“The band got together from a previous band split where the lead singer left and we were a singerless 3-piece. So we wrote a bunch of new songs, chose a direction or sound to pursue and josh stepped into the singing role.”
Who has been the biggest musical inspiration for the band?
“The biggest musical inspiration could be 1 of Led Zeppelin, Queens of the Stone Age, or Foo Fighters. Everyone starts with Zeppelin, and we all just love QOTSA and Foo Fighters and our sound is certainly influenced by them.”
Do you still remember the first jam session that band played?
“Our first jam session as the three of us would've been when the previous band was jamming and our singer hardly rocked up or came late, so we just jammed and I sang the songs. It was never a "hey guys let’s get together and see what happens," it was already there.”
What's the plan beyond the launch for the band?
“The plan beyond the launch is to promote the shit out of the EP, do some minor touring, and get the album ready for release early 2013.”