Thankfully, the weather was overcast and promised to stay that way, saving plenty of party goers the dreaded festival burnout. If there was another music festival on that weekend in Adelaide, this crowd didn’t care, and rightly so.
Local act Sierra was first to kick off the day. Playing their own style of melodic hardcore, they started to warm the crowd up for the big day ahead. With a nice thick bass sound, they pumped through their set without any bullshit. Short songs and straight to the point.
Another local act, Far West Battlefront, were a must see with singer Adam Atkins finishing up with the band after the tour. First song in and let the pitting begin! With arms and legs flying around, punters were either staying out or diving into the pit, depending on how brave they felt. The sound was mixed just right, and Far West Battlefront played a great set giving Adam a perfect send off.

The poppy punk tunes were beautifully delivered with the stage presence of a veteran well beyond her years simply jamming and having a great time with her mates. Do I have a thing for Jenna?? Hell yes, who wouldn’t!! She has a great voice, fun attitude and suits the stage so well, even if she did have her head in a bowl throwing up just that very morning, if she hadn’t announced it we would never have known!
She threw a challenge out to the crowd that anyone who could surf over the barrier had to come and give her a high five, and as she sat on the foldbacks singing, bodies started coming over relentlessly, Adelaide certainly didn’t disappoint there!

With a stern warning to Adelaide that interstate crowds were making us look bad, Hatebreed forced us to take notice, question ourselves, and do something about it! The circle pit then took off around the mixing desk over at stage two. There is no bullshit within a Hatebreed song, it’s all or nothing. And that’s how they played the rest of the set.
The Amity Affliction were here not too long ago but it made no difference. The crowd still swelled and condensed for this one! I’m not sure if the first riff had even finished when the first of many punters were already flying through the air. One of the loudest bands of the day, these Brisbane boys have what it takes to get the whole crowd jumping.

Not to be out done by other bands, the call was put out for crowd surfers to hit the 1000 mark. I’m sure we came close within minutes. The Offspring could have played for hours and still would have missed tracks people wanted, but they hit home with a great selection of songs that showcased a huge career.
I had to run over to catch some of a band that played three back to back SOLD OUT shows here recently, a true testament to their popularity. Parkway Drive was in full swing by the time I got there and the boys from Byron Bay were going off!! Melodic one second, chaotic the next, they could do no wrong. They deserve the recognition they have worked so hard for.
As the music stopped and the punters started clearing it was time to brush myself down, try and find the sunnies that flew off my head, end the day, and reflect on the return of a festival that continues to bring the best of punk and hardcore bands together.
Hope to see you next year Vans Warped Tour, it was a pleasure.
Review by Wayne Walters
Photos by Melissa Donato. See full gallery HERE