“The fan reaction to Splinter has been phenomenal. We’ve done quite a lot of touring with it and I guess that’s the biggest measure of how the new album is going; with the reaction from song to song as you go through it, compared to say the older stuff which the audience know much better, and it’s been brilliant. I’m reluctant to say I’m very confident about it because I’m not an overly confident person, but I’m as confident as I can be.”
As good as things are now, the lead-up to recording his 20th album wasn’t smooth sailing for Numan. “I ended up being diagnosed with depression and I was on medication for that for about four years. So with the depression and the cure that came with it, I didn’t write any new songs for the best part of those four years.” He explained. “It was difficult. When I started to write again I did a side project with a friend of mine and that kind of got me going again.”
So what can we expect from the new live show?
“If anyone is coming along expecting a retro nostalgic type of thing, it’s absolutely not that at all. It’s actually really quite heavy, industrial, and aggressive. From my point of view, it’s just full on. There’s only one song in the middle of the set where I can even take a breath, it’s pretty relentless. We’ve run this set now all across America and it’s just been going really, really well, so we’re bringing the same set to Australia. Fingers crossed we have the same reaction there!”
Gary Numan will be performing at HQ Complex on Thursday May 29th. Tickets available from metropolistouring.com
Interview by Melissa Donato
Written by Sofie Marsden